Teleport static

Namespace available in the global context of the page after connecting the javascript library to the page.

Example: console.log(window.teleport.version)


Name Type Description
version string Teleport SDK version
Quality enum Enumeration of video qualities
SegmentType enum Enumeration of segment types
PeeringMode enum Enumeration of peering modes


Name Type Description
options ITeleportFactoryOptions initialization options


let tlprt = await teleport.initialize({
    apiKey: "APIKEY",
    loader: {
        type: "player plugin ID",
        params: {player: player}

await player.load("manifest url");



  • onPeeringModeChanged

    Fired when peering mode has been changed.

    Callback: (mode: PeeringMode) => void


    tlprt.onPeeringModeChanged = (mode) => console.log(`current peering mode: ${teleport.PeeringMode[mode]}`);
  • onPeerConnectionOpened

    Fired when connection with new peer has been established.

    Callback: (peerId: string) => void


    tlprt.onPeerConnectionOpened = (peerId) => console.log(`peer connected: ${peerId}`);
  • onPeerConnectionClosed

    Fired when connection with peer has been closed.

    Callback: (peerId: string) => void


    tlprt.onPeerConnectionOpened = (peerId) => console.log(`peer disconnected: ${peerId}`);
  • onSegmentLoaded

    Fired when after video segment has been loaded.

    Callback: (segment: ISegment) => void


    tlprt.onSegmentLoaded = (segment) => console.log(`segment loaded:`, segment);
  • onSegmentUploaded

    Fired when video segment has been uploaded to P2P network.

    Callback: (segment: ISegment) => void


    tlprt.onSegmentUploaded = (segment) => console.log(`segment uploaded:`, segment);


Name Type Readonly Description
version string true Teleport SDK version
apiKey string true API key for the access to peering. You can get in in the Teleport client area
connectionId string true Peer ID
connected boolean true Connection status
peeringMode PeeringMode false Peering mode


  • buffering()

    Reports the buffering event state to the Teleport server.

  • getStatTotals()

    Gives aggregated statistics on the downloaded segments from the media server and from the P2P network.

    Return type: IStatTotals


  • getStatDetails()

    Gives detailed statistics on the downloaded segments from the media server and from the P2P network.

    Return type: IStatDetails


  • dispose()

    Should be called to free used resources and destroy Teleport instance.

    Return type: Promise<void>

  • getLoader()

    Return API for current loader. The API is not available for all loaders. If it's not present then undefined will be returned.

    Return type: any


List of enumerations in namespace Teleport.


Enumeration of the qualities of the video stream.


  • Q144P
  • Q240P
  • Q360P
  • Q480P
  • Q720P
  • Q1080P
  • Q4K
  • Other


Enumeration of segment types.


  • Unknown
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Caption
  • Other


Enumeration of peer-to-peer modes.


  • Off - Peer to peer connection is disabled.
  • Download - The peer can only download from Teleport PDN.
  • Upload - The peer can only upload from Teleport PDN.
  • Full - The peer can download and upload from Teleport PDN.


tlrpt.peeringMode = teleport.PeeringMode.Download;



Name Type Description
apiKey string API key for the access to peering. You can get in in the Teleport client area
loader IPluginOptions Options for integration with the video player


Name Type Description
type string Plugin ID for the integration with the player (shaka, hlsjs, videojs-hls, clappr-dash, clappr-hls)
params IPluginIntegrationOptions Options for integration with the video player


Parameters for configuring plugins.

Name Type Description
manifestAcceptor (url: string) => boolean Function for enabling manifest loading
segmentAcceptor (url: string) => boolean Function for enabling video segment loading
urlCleaner (url: string) => string Function to convert an URL to a manifest file and segment URLs. Teleport groups peers by the manifest URL. In case you use different servers to upload the manifest, transfer in the value of the parameter a function that turns the manifest from different url addresses to the same form.
qualityGetter (segmentUrl: string) => Quality Function to identity the quality of the active video stream
segmentTypeGetter (segmentUrl: string) => SegmentType Function to identity the type of the segment being loaded
bufferSizeGetter () => number Function for reading the current buffer size of the player
durationGetter (segmentUrl: string) => number Function for reading the length of the requested video segment


Segment info data.

Name Type Description
timestamp number Segment load time, timestamp
result ISegmentResult Segment load result
request ISegmentRequest Segment request params
timings ISegmentTimings Segment download statistics


Name Type Description
segmentId string Segment ID
sourceId CDN|PDN Source of segment
targetId string|undefined Peer ID from which the segment was downloaded, if sourceId = PDN
range string|undefined Range of downloaded segment bytes
flags number Download flag
haves number Peer count with this segment in swarm
waitTimeout number Wait timeout from Teleport PDN
downloadTimeout number Download timeout from Teleport PDN
size number Segment size, byte
swarmSize number Swarm size
connected boolean Connection status
mode PeeringMode Peering mode
active boolean Flag of Teleport PDN activity


Name Type Description
url string Raw segment URL
uri string Modified segment URI, after processing by urlCleaner
quality Quality Current video quality
type SegmentType Segment type
duration number Segment duration, second
bufferSize number Player buffer size, second


Name Type Description
req_start number Request start time, timestamp
tthave number Delta of segment wait time from Teleport PDN
ttsent number Delta of load initialization time
ttfb number Delta of waiting for the first chunk
ttlb number Delta end of download segment
ttfinish number Delta end of segment processing and data transfer to the player


Name Type Description
cdn ITraffic Download statistics from CDN
pdn ITraffic Download statistics from Teleport PDN
upload ITraffic Upload statistics to Teleport PDN


Name Type Description
totals IStatTotals Total download statistics


Name Type Description
id string peer ID
download ITraffic Download statistics from peer
upload ITraffic Upload statistics from peer


Name Type Description
size number Traffic size, byte
count number Segments count
time number Download time, msec
speed number Upload speed, Mbit/s


Parameters for improving the quality of peer-to-peer network operation.


To find the necessary connections, Teleport uses the URL video stream. By default Teleport defines manifest for extension: .m3u8, .mpd.

If your media server issues specific URL to the manifest, you need to define a function to search for the manifest.


let tlprt = await teleport.initialize({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
    loader: {
        type: "PLUGIN_ID",
        params: {
            manifestAcceptor: url => url.indexOf(".m3u8") > -1


In order for the data transfer to begin in Teleport PDN, it is necessary to determine that this request is downloading the video segment. By default, Teleport determines the video segments for extensions: .ts, .mp4, .m4s.

If your media server issues specific url for video segments, you need to define a function for searching for segments.


let tlprt = await teleport.initialize({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
    loader: {
        type: "PLUGIN_ID",
        params: {
            segmentAcceptor: url => url.indexOf(".mp4") > -1


For correct operation of Teleport PDN, it is necessary to delete unique information from the URL of a video segment or manifest.


let tlprt = await teleport.initialize({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
    loader: {
        type: "PLUGIN_ID",
        params: {
            urlCleaner: url => (new URL(url)).pathname


To improve the performance of Teleport PDN, it is recommended to specify a function to identify the active quality of the video stream.


let player = new shaka.Player(video);
let videoIdToQuality = {};

videoId2Quality["1"] = teleport.Quality.Q1080P;
videoId2Quality["2"] = teleport.Quality.Q720P;
videoId2Quality["3"] = teleport.Quality.Q480P;

let tlprt = await teleport.initialize({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
    loader: {
        type: "PLUGIN_ID",
        params: {
            qualityGetter: () => {
                let t = player.getVariantTracks().find(x => x &&;

                return t && t.videoId && videoId2Quality[t.videoId] || teleport.Quality.Unknown;


To improve the performance of Teleport PDN, it is recommended to specify a function for identifying the segment type.


let tlprt = await teleport.initialize({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
    loader: {
        type: "PLUGIN_ID",
        params: {
            segmentTypeGetter: url => url.indexOf('caption') > -1 ? teleport.SegmentType.Caption : teleport.SegmentType.Video


To improve the performance of Teleport PDN, it is recommended to specify a function to identify the buffer size of the player.


let player = new shaka.Player(video);
let tlprt = await teleport.initialize({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
    loader: {
        type: "PLUGIN_ID",
        params: {
            bufferSizeGetter: () => {
                let playhead = p.getPlayheadTimeAsDate().getTime();
                let presentation = p.getPresentationStartTimeAsDate().getTime();
                let start = (playhead - presentation) / 1000;

                let buf = p.getBufferedInfo();
                let end = buf && &&[0] &&[0].end || 0;

                return end > start ? end - start : 0;


To improve the performance of Teleport PDN, it is recommended to specify a function to identify the segment duration.


let tlprt = await teleport.initialize({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
    loader: {
        type: "PLUGIN_ID",
        params: {
            durationGetter: () => 5